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Sara’s Frugality Tips: Learning to Live More Efficiently (Tips#31-36)

16 May

Tip#31:”(More of a note to self.) Keep all leftovers in transparent containers, because if not, you forget it’s there, and you won’t use them. Leftovers thrown away=food thrown away=money thrown away” Almost cried the other day when I had to throw out food.

Tip #32: “Keep calm and… save.” In other words, don’t buy impulsively…

Tip#33: If you really want to save when you eat pizza, don’t order breadsticks, ask for dip (which most place will give you for free), and use your pizza crusts. Just sayin’…

Tip#34: When going to stores with kids, provide them with a designated amount of money that you are willing to spend on them. They will have to make the decision of what they want, and when they run out of money, they run out. It makes them think twice about getting everything.

Tip#35: Renting movies… I never understand why people rent 5 movies at a time, and only get to watch 2. Rent as many as you are sure you can watch before you have to pay late fees. Because if not, that is just throwing away money.

Tip#36: The average american household has around $90 in change laying around… GO find that money, and treat yourself to a night out. Or save it, which is a way better idea.

Sara’s Frugality Tips: Learning to Live More Efficiently (Tips#21-30)

27 Feb

Tip#21- Careful about buying in bulk, it’s only worth it if: a) you are going to use all of those items in a reasonable amount of time, so they don’t go to waste. & If: b) you are sure the bulk discount is less than the specials in other places.

Tip#22- Spending money on friends, not off-limits. However, it must be done with a set budget in mind. For example, I am going to spend $40 on a present.

Tip#23- Potatoes: inexpensive, and versatile. Do you know how many things you can make out of potatoes???

Tip#24- You are free to make space in the budget for the things you consider important. For example, treats for yourself, gifts for friends or for those in need. The budget killer, is thinking to yourself: “I work, I deserve this, no matter how much it costs.” Do you deserve stuff? Maybe. Should you blow your budget for it? Probably not.

Tip#25- The saving of 1000 (or thousands) of dollars starts with a dollar. It adds up.

Tip#26- Make room in your budget for giving. In time, you’ll see it’s worth it. Generosity comes back to you in different ways.

Tip#27- I personally buy from Aldi’s (grocery store), because they have incredible prices, hands down, even compared to specials at other stores, and buying in bulk. (This has been my experience until now.)

Tip#28- Look for laundromats in your area that offer specials that you will use. Swiss Cleaner’s laundromats in my area offer $2.00 bonus when you add a $20 to the card. Also, weekdays before 3pm, the dryers are .19 for 10 minutes. (They also got WIFI, so I love it!!)

Tip#29- Cable… you have to weigh the cost against how much you REALLY use it. If your cable bill is upwards of $100, and you don’t really take advantage of it, try considering other options. (For example, Hulu Plus, Netflix, if they offer what you like to watch.)

Tip#30- The point of frugality is saving money on things that are not essential to you, so you can have more to spend on things that are more important to you.

Sara’s Frugality Tips: Learning to Live More Efficiently (Tips#11-20)

27 Feb

Tip#11- You would be surprised at how long well taken care of disposable really last.  Even though disposable products wouldn’t really be my first option in the first place.

Tip#12- Bring lunch to work.  If you work 5 days a week, and typically spend even $5 on lunch, you are still spending around $100 in just lunch.

Tip#13- Leftovers are money savers, but don’t just reheat them, revive them, create something new. Saving money can also be appetizing.

Tip#14- Only spend on your credit card the money you have available to you from other sources. Credit is not your money, so pay it all back as soon as possible.

Tip#15- The internet can provide us with countless more efficient alternatives. One of my favorites: Textbook purchases.,, etc.

Tip#16- I really wanted to save money with textbooks, so I would buy the previous editions for a lot less.

Tip#17- Take care of your teeth, dentist bills are expensive.

Tip#18- Take care of yourself in general, medical bills are expensive.

Tip#19-FIFO (first in, first out) ideal way of managing grocery inventory at the house.

Tip#20- Recycling- good for environment, good for your piggy bank.

Sara’s Frugality Tips: Learning to Live More Efficiently (Tips#1-10)

20 Dec

Tip # 1- Upon making a purchase, ask yourself: “Do I really need this?”

Tip #2- When shopping load everything you want into the cart, then apply tip # 1 right before the check out line.

Tip #3- Think of every dollar saved as money given to you.

Tip#4-  When at a restaurant, stick with water.  It’s healthier, and cheaper.

Tip#5-  Removing meat, snacks from our shopping lists tends to lower our grocery budget.

Tip#6-  A nice time out, doesn’t necessarily have to mean spending a regrettable amount of money.  Spend wisely, not impulsively.

Tip#7- Make a budget, track your expenses, and apply controls as needed. Try to cut back as much as possible.  (I use

Tip#8-  When it comes to new gadgets: patience pays off.  Patience= less bugs, and less money spent.

Tip#9- If you have limited outgoing calls on your cell plan, but free received calls, just have people call you back.

Tip#10- Spend money as if you were poor, earn money as if you needed every cent.

My POV- I have an issue with any single item on my grocery list being over $3.50.