Archive | December, 2012

Sara’s Frugality Tips: Learning to Live More Efficiently (Tips#1-10)

20 Dec

Tip # 1- Upon making a purchase, ask yourself: “Do I really need this?”

Tip #2- When shopping load everything you want into the cart, then apply tip # 1 right before the check out line.

Tip #3- Think of every dollar saved as money given to you.

Tip#4-  When at a restaurant, stick with water.  It’s healthier, and cheaper.

Tip#5-  Removing meat, snacks from our shopping lists tends to lower our grocery budget.

Tip#6-  A nice time out, doesn’t necessarily have to mean spending a regrettable amount of money.  Spend wisely, not impulsively.

Tip#7- Make a budget, track your expenses, and apply controls as needed. Try to cut back as much as possible.  (I use

Tip#8-  When it comes to new gadgets: patience pays off.  Patience= less bugs, and less money spent.

Tip#9- If you have limited outgoing calls on your cell plan, but free received calls, just have people call you back.

Tip#10- Spend money as if you were poor, earn money as if you needed every cent.

My POV- I have an issue with any single item on my grocery list being over $3.50.