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Accepting Our Timelines

28 Nov

To know something is different than truly understanding something.  This morning I truly understood how our perspectives on timelines aren’t necessarily accurate.  We have a proposed timeline for when we think things should happen.  But the timeline we are meant to have could be completely different.  And I am fine with that.

People will always have their opinions about what should take place in your life. Sometimes we adopt those thoughts and begin thinking our time has passed to achieve a certain goal.  However, each life is drastically individual, and each timeline unique.

I am not saying we shouldn’t work towards a goal.  We are meant to have dreams and pursue them.  However, once we’ve done all we can do, we must accept the rest.

Change what you can, and accept what cannot be changed.  In all this, enjoy your own timeline.

Just Sayin’: Google It!

20 Aug

In a world with google we should be able to answer most of the “Why?” questions that children ask.  Don’t get lazy and stifle their learning. Those questions are an opportunity to expand their knowledge.  Google it!

Sara’s Frugality Tips: Learning to Live More Efficiently (Tips#31-36)

16 May

Tip#31:”(More of a note to self.) Keep all leftovers in transparent containers, because if not, you forget it’s there, and you won’t use them. Leftovers thrown away=food thrown away=money thrown away” Almost cried the other day when I had to throw out food.

Tip #32: “Keep calm and… save.” In other words, don’t buy impulsively…

Tip#33: If you really want to save when you eat pizza, don’t order breadsticks, ask for dip (which most place will give you for free), and use your pizza crusts. Just sayin’…

Tip#34: When going to stores with kids, provide them with a designated amount of money that you are willing to spend on them. They will have to make the decision of what they want, and when they run out of money, they run out. It makes them think twice about getting everything.

Tip#35: Renting movies… I never understand why people rent 5 movies at a time, and only get to watch 2. Rent as many as you are sure you can watch before you have to pay late fees. Because if not, that is just throwing away money.

Tip#36: The average american household has around $90 in change laying around… GO find that money, and treat yourself to a night out. Or save it, which is a way better idea.

Sara’s Frugality Tips: Learning to Live More Efficiently (Tips#21-30)

27 Feb

Tip#21- Careful about buying in bulk, it’s only worth it if: a) you are going to use all of those items in a reasonable amount of time, so they don’t go to waste. & If: b) you are sure the bulk discount is less than the specials in other places.

Tip#22- Spending money on friends, not off-limits. However, it must be done with a set budget in mind. For example, I am going to spend $40 on a present.

Tip#23- Potatoes: inexpensive, and versatile. Do you know how many things you can make out of potatoes???

Tip#24- You are free to make space in the budget for the things you consider important. For example, treats for yourself, gifts for friends or for those in need. The budget killer, is thinking to yourself: “I work, I deserve this, no matter how much it costs.” Do you deserve stuff? Maybe. Should you blow your budget for it? Probably not.

Tip#25- The saving of 1000 (or thousands) of dollars starts with a dollar. It adds up.

Tip#26- Make room in your budget for giving. In time, you’ll see it’s worth it. Generosity comes back to you in different ways.

Tip#27- I personally buy from Aldi’s (grocery store), because they have incredible prices, hands down, even compared to specials at other stores, and buying in bulk. (This has been my experience until now.)

Tip#28- Look for laundromats in your area that offer specials that you will use. Swiss Cleaner’s laundromats in my area offer $2.00 bonus when you add a $20 to the card. Also, weekdays before 3pm, the dryers are .19 for 10 minutes. (They also got WIFI, so I love it!!)

Tip#29- Cable… you have to weigh the cost against how much you REALLY use it. If your cable bill is upwards of $100, and you don’t really take advantage of it, try considering other options. (For example, Hulu Plus, Netflix, if they offer what you like to watch.)

Tip#30- The point of frugality is saving money on things that are not essential to you, so you can have more to spend on things that are more important to you.

Sara’s Frugality Tips: Learning to Live More Efficiently (Tips#11-20)

27 Feb

Tip#11- You would be surprised at how long well taken care of disposable really last.  Even though disposable products wouldn’t really be my first option in the first place.

Tip#12- Bring lunch to work.  If you work 5 days a week, and typically spend even $5 on lunch, you are still spending around $100 in just lunch.

Tip#13- Leftovers are money savers, but don’t just reheat them, revive them, create something new. Saving money can also be appetizing.

Tip#14- Only spend on your credit card the money you have available to you from other sources. Credit is not your money, so pay it all back as soon as possible.

Tip#15- The internet can provide us with countless more efficient alternatives. One of my favorites: Textbook purchases.,, etc.

Tip#16- I really wanted to save money with textbooks, so I would buy the previous editions for a lot less.

Tip#17- Take care of your teeth, dentist bills are expensive.

Tip#18- Take care of yourself in general, medical bills are expensive.

Tip#19-FIFO (first in, first out) ideal way of managing grocery inventory at the house.

Tip#20- Recycling- good for environment, good for your piggy bank.


Eating Less Meat and The Inevitable Protein Intake Question

21 Jan

If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian.” — Sir Paul McCartney

Being an animal lover, and  a general respecter of life,  it sickens me to see the reality of how we barbarically obtain the flesh of different animals for our consumption.  This awakens in me a strong desire to go vegetarian.  However, I have titled this: “Eating Less Meat…”, instead of eating NO meat, because I cannot promise that I will never ever touch any meat product again.  (Sometimes I am invited to family or friends’ homes, and they include meat products in what they cook.  I am not going to obessive-compulsively demand they cook vegetarian just for me, nor am I going to inquire about all the ingredients they have used.)  My desire, and drive is to lead a minimal to no meat lifestyle, and while I cannot ensure 100%  that I will never touch a meat product again, I will definitely do what I can to not purchase it for my home, or order it at a restaurant, etc.

Buying Little to No Meat For The Past Year: And Yes, I Cook For My Husband

Our original reason for buying less meat at the supermarket started out  about saving money.  A little over a year ago, meat prices where we currently lived were outrageous.  The cheapest meat was around $3.00lb, and I don’t even want to get into how a gallon of milk had shot up to $6.00 each.  Living on a $40 a week food budget, I didn’t want to sacrifice my eating out for these items at the grocery store.  What to do? What to do?  Simple, stop buying meat (and milk while I was at it).  So, as my father would think, if there is no meat how do you make a meal?   Well, luckily around the same time we also began following a diet brought to our attention by a well-known alternative medicine doctor in Puerto Rico.  He claimed that by eating potatoes, and carrots, these would supply the necessary nutrients the body needed, while helping the body lose weight, and heal itself.  I was concerned about my body healing itself, my husband was concerned about losing the weight.  We didn’t stick strictly to his diet, but we began eating meals composed of potatoes, carrots, beets, steamed vegetables, and brown rice.  My husband is an ex-carnivore, but he was very open to change, and it was great to see how he appreciated the new flavors, great post-meal feeling, and the health benefits that the new meals brought him.  (Side-note:  He lost 20-30 lbs during this time.)

Nutrition in a Potato

You are probably thinking: potatoes????, Aren’t they full of carbs?, How can you lose weight with that??? Are they full of carbs? Yes, complex carbs which take longer to burn in your system, providing a more steady flow of energy.  Think of sugars as firewood. You need them for energy, and your body burns it. Simple sugars or simple carbs, are like twigs they burn fast, and only last a short period of time.  You might get a burst of energy from them, but then you crash.  Complex carbohydrates are more like logs that burn low, and slow for hours providing a more steady flame.  No crash here.   Much like a grain of rice most of the nutrients are towards the outer part of the potato, with starch  in the middle. Most people eat the potato without the peel, and only the inner part of the rice grain, essentially, not enough nutrient- to- starch ratio. Then they assume potatoes make you obese.    To start off with, it’s all in the preparation, the glycemic index of a potato changes with the way you prepare it.  A baked potato has a higher index than a boiled one.  Also, we would boil our potatoes skins, and all, preserving the essential nutrients.  We would only top our potatoes with extra virgin olive oil.

Potato nutrition facts

Addressing The Protein Intake Question

As all people who dare to defy the consumption of meat, of course I get the protein intake question, but I have a few questions myself:

What is protein, and what does it do for our body? 

Protein’s  basic structure is a chain of amino acids used to repair, and maintain our body.  Imagine proteins, as building blocks for our body.  While the correct blend of amino acids create the right protein, T. COLIN CAMPBELL, PHD states “Animal proteins also have a higher concentration of sulphur-containing amino acids that get metabolized to acid-generating metabolites. As a result, a slightly lower physiological pH must be corrected and buffers like calcium are used to attenuate these adverse acid effects–to the disadvantage of the host.”  Meaning it takes your much-needed calcium to be useful, not to mention the strain added to your liver, kidneys, and cholesterol levels.

How much do we really need? 

According to  Paige Waehner in  Calculating Your Protein Needs “Most experts believe that most people get more than enough protein daily. In fact, some believe the average sedentary American eats about 50% more than the recommended daily amount, which ranges from 40-70 grams each day depending on your gender, age and situation.

If you’re an exerciser, however, your protein needs may increase since resistance training and endurance workouts can rapidly break down muscle protein. A position statement published by the ADA, DOC and ACSM recommends that endurance and strength-trained athletes have between 1.2 and 1.7 g/kg (0.5 – 0.8 grams per pound) of protein for the best performance and health.

What if you’re trying to build more muscle? Shouldn’t you eat even more protein? Not necessarily.  There’s evidence that bodybuilders, much like exercisers or athletes, do require more protein but that any more than double the RDA won’t necessarily help you build more muscle.  In one study, experts studied three groups of weight lifters:  A low protein group (0.86 g/kg), a moderate protein group (1.40 g/kg) and a high protein group (2.40 g/kg) and found that, “There were no effects of varying protein intake on indexes of lean body mass.”

In essence, the more you exercise, the greater your protein needs will be.  However, taking it too far, for example more than doubling your protein intake, won’t necessarily help you build more muscle.

                                      How to Calculate Your Protein Needs:

1. Weight in pounds divided by 2.2 = weight in kg             2. Weight in kg x 0.8-1.8 gm/kg = protein gm.

Use a lower number if you are in good health and are            sedentary (i.e., 0.8). Use a higher number (between 1 and 1.8) if you are under stress, are pregnant, are recovering from an illness, or if            you are involved in consistent and intense weight or endurance            training.

Example: 154 lb male who is a regular exerciser and lifts            weights             154 lbs/2.2 = 70kg             70kg x 1.5 = 105 gm protein/day.”

(All of this information is not mine, but comes from the same previously mentioned  article.)

What other sources can we get it from? 

Let’s start by looking at all the other items located in the “Meats/Protein” section of the Standard American Diet (SAD) pyramid.  Well, lookie there, apparently beans, eggs, and nuts are adequate substitutes, even according to that pyramid.  Believe it or not, even foods like potatoes have a certain amount of protein.  For everything else, you can get your amino acids from things like brewer’s yeast (which helped with my vitamin b12 levels, giving me more energy) to quinoa.    According to a vegan athlete I saw on the documentary “Vegucated” it’s about: “Quality over quality” when it comes to proteins.

So…What Do I Buy/Eat?

I make my spaghetti with mushrooms, I order a bean burrito instead of meat, I just generally steer towards non-meat products.  That has always come naturally to me, now I have more reason for it.

Sara’s Frugality Tips: Learning to Live More Efficiently (Tips#1-10)

20 Dec

Tip # 1- Upon making a purchase, ask yourself: “Do I really need this?”

Tip #2- When shopping load everything you want into the cart, then apply tip # 1 right before the check out line.

Tip #3- Think of every dollar saved as money given to you.

Tip#4-  When at a restaurant, stick with water.  It’s healthier, and cheaper.

Tip#5-  Removing meat, snacks from our shopping lists tends to lower our grocery budget.

Tip#6-  A nice time out, doesn’t necessarily have to mean spending a regrettable amount of money.  Spend wisely, not impulsively.

Tip#7- Make a budget, track your expenses, and apply controls as needed. Try to cut back as much as possible.  (I use

Tip#8-  When it comes to new gadgets: patience pays off.  Patience= less bugs, and less money spent.

Tip#9- If you have limited outgoing calls on your cell plan, but free received calls, just have people call you back.

Tip#10- Spend money as if you were poor, earn money as if you needed every cent.

My POV- I have an issue with any single item on my grocery list being over $3.50.

Learning to Love: The Journey Part 2

20 Jul

My arrival here, was about as difficult as I expected.  Sometimes I am tempted to leave sooner, than later.  I am a runner.  Well, not a runner, but an avoider. Not that I avoid problems, problems are easier for me to face than people who are difficult to get along with.  I tend to avoid encounters with people who I do not feel comfortable around, which seems harmless, and quite natural.  I avoid awkward situations, that’s all.

However, I know that these times are simply challenging lessons in the course of learning to love.  Loving those who always make you feel so warm, and nice, does not prove how great your love is, anyone can do that.  It’s about treating others with love when it is most difficult to.

I say this because this is my current struggle, my current lesson.

Love is not just saying you love someone.The biblical definition of love, to me, truly describes it.  Be it love towards family, friends, or a significant other.

I wanted to break down the characteristics of love found in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (AMP) to be able to go back to it, and see where I am failing, and what I need to work on.

  • Love endures long and is patient and kind:  If it has to endure long, and be patient it most likely indicates that the other party is going to be difficult, and we have to respond with kindness, and patience.  Love is what fills in the gap on our scale, when we weigh how bad the other person treats us, against how we treat them.  Love enables us to be kind to those that are not kind with us.
  • Love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy:  Basically, if we love someone we should be glad when they have something that we wanted.  Love teaches us to let go our egos, and think of someone else’s happiness rather than ours.
  • It is not boastful or vainglorious:  Meaning, when we love we are not concerned with always being the center of attention, and do not constantly feel the need to brag.  Love gives us the flexibility to be able to do this sometimes, and still not lose our identity.
  • Love does not display itself  haughtily, it is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride):  Love’s ego is mostly absent, in the sense that a person who has truly grasped the concept of love, and operates in it, is usually humble when dealing with others.
  • It is not rude (unmannerly)  and  does not act unbecomingly: (Pretty self-explanatory) 
  • Love (God’s love in us) does not insist on its own rights  or  its                own way,  for  it is not self-seeking: So… it means we are not first priority when we truly love others.  Not that we are worth nothing, quite the contrary.  You are supposed to love people as much as you love yourself.   When you are full of love, you know you are complete whatever happens, so putting yourself as the priority is not of utmost importance.
  • …it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong]:  What it tells us is that a person who loves is quick to forgive, and does not dwell on the wrong they suffered, does not take things to heart.  Love enables them to let go of these things, and forgive.
  • It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right  and  truth  prevail: Also self-explanatory.
  • Love bears up under anything and everything that comes: Wow, that means a lot of good, and a lot of bad…
  • …is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without  weakening]:  I guess people would perceive this as naive, believing the best of everyone, keeping hope against all odds, and enduring everything.  It kind of brings up the image,in my head, of a starry-eyed child, we usually turn away from this to avoid disappointment.  However, love never fails [never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end].  The disappointments we may suffer when we love,fade away, but love does not.

Do I practice all of this? Not even half, but I am learning.   If we were to sum up all of the previous points we could say love consists of swallowing our pride, and our ego, and putting others first. Not eliminating our importance, but loving others, as we love ourselves.

Learning to Love: The Journey

21 Jun

I want to learn how to love as unconditionally as my mother-in-law loves her parents.  Her childhood was not the best, and I have seen so many people grow up with bitterness against their parents, even when their own childhood was not half as bad as hers.  Yet, she chooses never to highlight the bad, only speaking good of them.  Never accusing, or blaming them for anything, even though she suffered because of their actions.  This is, to me, the very definition of unconditional love.  I have asked her how she does that, how she is so loyal to them, and her answer is simple: “Because they are my family.”  In her mind, regardless of what they may do wrong, family is part of one’s self, and should be shown love.

I would like to learn how to just love people because of who they are, and stop subconsciously loving them more or less based on how much I consider they deserve it.  Usually, if I see a person who only thinks selfishly, my respect, and love towards them decreases.  It’s like I need to have a reason to love someone, like so-and-so puts others first, so they deserve to be loved.  However, that is most certainly conditional love, depending on their behavior, and attitudes.  I have no problem, treating strangers politely, and treating certain people with love.  However, I really need to work on treating with love, and sincerely loving, those who I (am supposed to) love, but do not like.   For example, those whose personalities do not click with mine , or whose opinions differ greatly from mine, and actions just do not match up with my “standards”.  Looking in, I notice I can be judgemental, when one strives for excellence, they start making the mistake of seeing what others should work on.  In my own quest for excellence, I must cease to do this, and work on myself, and just focus on loving others.

This brings me to explain what this “journey” will be.  I have made the decision to leave much of my life behind to live with my mother who is battling breast cancer.  This trip will be my quest for learning how to love unconditionally. Going somewhere I was not looking forward to going. Leaving my comfort, to be with those who I love but don’t like. I have put up walls, I am used to just watching from a distance what is happening, making it easier to have my walls up, with that convenient little window to look thru.  However, love means tearing down those walls, and opening up my heart to the severity of what will be going on around me.  I have a hard, and sometimes rebellious heart.  God promises to take that heart, and replace it will a heart of flesh, which will truly feel how He means it to.  I am bracing myself, because this seems like it’s going to be a time when I will be tested, and frustrated, and probably desperate.  I know I will become, very dependent on God.  He is the one who shaped my character, He taught my how to let go of my fits of rage, and anger problems back in Summer of 2002.  It looks like 2012 will be a lengthy course on unconditional love.

My Quest for Physical Self-Improvement

17 Jun

I have always been conscious of the value of healthy eating, sleeping, and exercising habits. I know that if I am a person of excellence I must strive for that in every area of my life.  Though I probably eat healthy more times than not, having good sleeping, and exercising habits weren’t my strong point.  This is how I knew that they were exactly the areas I needed to work on if I wanted my body to get back into balance.  However, what made me decide to start exercising was seeing this eye-opening image stating the benefits of exercise.

Benefits of Exercising

What really called my attention was how it helped migraines, and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.  I have been very thin my whole life, so I was not looking to lose any weight.  Quite the contrary, I wouldn’t mind putting on some pounds.   At 5’4” the most I have ever weighed has been 109lbs., so there is still room in my BMI to grow.  As it happens, the same fast metabolism that has kept me thin my whole life, has also been responsible for my migraines, PCOS, and my mildly fatty liver.  Without getting in the tedious details of how the endocrine system controls what happens in our bodies, I will try to explain this as briefly as possible.  Ok, maybe not brief, I am rarely brief.

From what research I have done, I learned that a fast metabolism means that you burn your food faster because your body releases more insulin that drives the glucose (from food)  into the cells for energy.  Sounds great at first, right?  I could literally eat everything I wanted, and any amount I wanted, and I wouldn’t gain weight.  Besides that I was always eating, because I was always hungry (low blood sugar caused by so much insulin).  However, that same insulin was the cause for the migraines I would get almost immediately after I would eat refined sugar.  It was also the cause for my menstrual irregularities, which I never gave much importance to until I was married, and off the pill, and wondering where my period was for 6 months (and no, I was not pregnant).  During those 6 months, some test were done showing ovaries with cysts.  Then, there was the gallbladder attack.  The test to see my gallbladder also revealed a mild fatty liver, which may have been a result of all the excess estrogen in my system. (The liver is responsible for eliminating the excess hormones in the body.) At the point of my gallbladder attack I was also jaundice, so my liver was not in the best conditions.  So, this is where my fast metabolism, (and love for carbs) had led me: I was 21 years old, thin as always, but my health was not in the best shape because my hormones, controlled by the thyroid in charge of the metabolism, were out of whack.  So, I began looking for ways to restore my health, natural ways.

First things had to be first, my doctor wanted to remove my gallbladder, I had other ideas.  I googled it (of course), and apparently there was a gallbladder flush.  After gulping down a nasty mixture of extra virgin olive oil, and lemon juice, away went most of the stones!  (I’ve got the ultrasounds to prove it.)  I still had the liver issue, the migraines, and the PCOS.  I began learning what I should eat, and what I shouldn’t.   This helped avoid at least those migraines brought on by my diet.  About the PCOS, I began taking a natural supplement, vitex, which did help.  I went from going 6 months without a cycle to having consistent 35 day cycles, something I had never had before.  I was also taking dandelion root tea for my liver, and I noticed, the pain in my liver went away.

In all this, I didn’t give exercise a chance, I figured the natural supplements were good enough.  What I didn’t realize is that this just served as, exactly that, a supplement to a healthy life style, which needed to include exercise.  The supplements were not meant to be taken forever, there needed to come a point where my body was enough in balance to sustain itself.  When the time came,  I started to look for other alternatives, and I found that image.  I knew my father never wanted to go a day without working out, and when he had to it would literally make him sick.  I thought: “Maybe that is what I am missing, maybe my body needs exercise to keep its own balance”.  I figured it was time.

My husband had been doing P90x for quite a while, and was about to start again.  I suggested I join him the next Monday to start off.  I want to point out, I believe when one does exercise, it should be with a goal in mind.  My goal?  Excercise at least 30 minutes, 5 days a week.  I did not want to lose weight, I did not want to “look better”, I did not want a six-pack.  My only complaint was a distended lower abdomen, caused by PCOS.  I just wanted to exercise to bring my body into balance, and I knew it would take care of everything else.

My distended abdomen due to PCOS, and yes, this is without sticking my belly out

I began P90x without being able to do 1 push-up.  After the first, and most painful week, I noticed I was able to do 1 then 5 push-ups, and still improving.  My heart rate doesn’t go so high as it used to, meaning my heart is working more efficiently.  My migraines are abolished, and if I notice one is about to start-up, I just start doing jumping jacks, getting the blood flowing prevents it from happening.  Most importantly, my hormones are being balanced, I don’t wake up with that pain on my ovaries, my cycles are regulating, going to 28 days (which is how it should be).  I remember reading about how in Eastern medicine, PCOS, and reproductive disorders were caused by stagnant blood.  That may be the truth because I have seen improvement, and it makes sense.

Along with these improvements, exercising has led to other healthy habits.  Due to our schedules, my husband, and I could not find a decent time to work out after work.  We found the best time would be to exercise before work, around 8 am.  Of course, this means we have to be in bed earlier than 12am, way before that, preferably.  Thus, without meaning to, we have been able to improve our sleeping habits as we have wanted to for so long.  Additionally, I’ve read that going to bed early helps your liver, so added bonus there.  Also, if we go to bed early we are no longer going out to eat at fast foods late at night.  Since we workout in the morning, I can use the evening to cook, so that we eat something good, but not too heavy before 8 or 9pm.

We are now starting the second month, and though I only mean to workout 30 minutes per day, I usually end up doing the whole hour or hour, and a half (when it’s Yoga).   It is true, I do not always wake up eager to excercise, but I begin anyways, and the energy follows.  Going to show me that it’s not about how you feel, it’s about showing up, and being committed, and good things will follow.  I notice my abs are starting to show, my distended lower abdomen (result of PCOS) is a lot flatter, and I feel more energetic.  Sometimes I think to myself that the answer has always been staring me in the face.  I am glad, I finally began.  This was not a new year’s resolution.  I never make those.  I make new day’s resolutions, I decide to work on things that need improvement in my life, and everyday I wake up is a new opportunity to do so.