Archive | May, 2013

Sara’s Frugality Tips: Learning to Live More Efficiently (Tips#31-36)

16 May

Tip#31:”(More of a note to self.) Keep all leftovers in transparent containers, because if not, you forget it’s there, and you won’t use them. Leftovers thrown away=food thrown away=money thrown away” Almost cried the other day when I had to throw out food.

Tip #32: “Keep calm and… save.” In other words, don’t buy impulsively…

Tip#33: If you really want to save when you eat pizza, don’t order breadsticks, ask for dip (which most place will give you for free), and use your pizza crusts. Just sayin’…

Tip#34: When going to stores with kids, provide them with a designated amount of money that you are willing to spend on them. They will have to make the decision of what they want, and when they run out of money, they run out. It makes them think twice about getting everything.

Tip#35: Renting movies… I never understand why people rent 5 movies at a time, and only get to watch 2. Rent as many as you are sure you can watch before you have to pay late fees. Because if not, that is just throwing away money.

Tip#36: The average american household has around $90 in change laying around… GO find that money, and treat yourself to a night out. Or save it, which is a way better idea.